Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

NET200 SAP Web Application Server: Developing BSP Applications

NET200 SAP Web Application Server: Developing BSP Applications

Are you ready to challenged high demand SAP Jobs?, the IT Jobthat accepted anywhere in the world, don't missed this opportunity.

In this course, you will become familiar with the architecture of theSAP Web Application Server and learn how to program a Web applicationusing Business Server Pages. You will first set up the layout of abusiness server page using HTML and use the ABAP scripting language togenerate some dynamic parts of the layout. You will also learn how toinclude MIME objects in the application, provide BSP applications inmultiple languages, and use topics to adjust the layout of BSPapplications without making modifications.The course also discusses how to include data from SAP systems bycalling BAPIs in the system and how to log on to the SAP WebApplication Server You will learn how BSP extensions can be used todesign the layout. The use of the BSP extension HTMLB is covered inparticular detail.

Duration- 5 Sessions

Target Audience
This course is intended for the following audiences:
- Developers who want to create Web applications based on BSPapplications

Course Prerequisites
Required Knowledge
- Basic knowledge of ABAP (BC400 – ABAP Workbench: Foundationsand Concepts)
- Basic knowledge of HTML and HTTP

Recommended Knowledge
- NET050 - Web Application Development: Foundations
- Knowledge of object-oriented programming (preferably ABAP Objects)
- Knowledge of transaction programming

Software Component(s) and Release(s)
- Netweaver 7 (2004's)

Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
- Describe the system architecture of the SAP Web Application Server
- Develop Web applications that are based on the Business Server Pageprogramming model

Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the system architecture of the SAP Web Application Server
- Describe the request/response cycle
- Name the components of a Business Server Page and a BSP applicationand describe their use
- Develop Web applications based on Business Server Pages
- Implement the layout of Business Server Pages using HTMLB elements
- Implement language
-specific BSP applications
- Explain how to assign a desired corporate identity design withoutmodification by assigning a topic
- Use data from other SAP systems by calling BAPIs in your BSPapplications

Komputer & Teknologi
Tingkatkan SDM IT Indonesia

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